

“I am the principal of Bass Memorial Academy and one year ago we took a group of about 30 adults and students to Haiti to run a medical clinic, plant trees, and build a house for a local resident. It was there that I met Jonathan Euler who works with The Beehive ministry in Haiti full time. It was my first time out of the country and the experience changed me. Not only did experiencing the culture of Haiti have a lasting impression, meeting and working with Jonathan had a profound impact on me. I saw an American who grew up with the luxuries I now enjoy forsaking them all to help others in far greater need. It was that steadfast commitment that impressed me so much. We struck up a friendship and I realized that he is the real deal. What The Beehive is doing there in Haiti is practical Adventism. They are spreading the gospel first by meeting peoples needs. It was a beautiful thing to witness. I hope those of you who have not had a chance to visit would strongly consider supporting this vital humanitarian ministry. Jonathan is willing, but he depends on those God has supplied with means to keep the work alive. Please consider giving to support this ministry!”

− Phil Wilhelm, Principal at Bass Memorial Academy

“I am only 16 and I have gone to Haiti twice in the last year to work with Jonathan and his crew. His work is extremely touching because I have seen with my own eyes that he has dedicated his whole life to helping those who can’t help themselves and has told me that he will carry on till the end of time. The Beehive’s work in Haiti has benefited so many people. Both of my trips to Haiti with Jonathan have been an amazing adventure and character building experience for me. On the first trip I helped with the renovation and construction of Mary Lou’s orphanage. The second time I worked at the ASPD orphanage with a group and we made huge improvements to it under Jon’s leadership. He knows how to get the job done. He is such a good friend and leader and has an awesome crew of Haitian workers too. They work so incre dibly hard! I hope everyone reading this realizes the amazing things that the Beehive has done in Haiti and helps contribute to the mission in this transition time.”
– Chad Nelson

“My experience with you in Haiti: Jonathan…I’m writing to tell you how valuable my experience was in working with you and your group in Haiti. I’ve seen many volunteer organizations and I have to tell you that the work you are doing in Port-au-Prince is among the very best. It is the work of the angels. I’ve never felt more welcomed, needed and valued as a volunteer. Your group doesn’t just work on the outskirts of poverty, you dive into the middle of it. It’s easy to see the difference that you are making over there. It’s in the physical improvements, but even more in the spirit of how you give; loving, caring, generous. It’s infectious. Thank you for letting me and my group be a part of it.”
– Bob McCallan, ReliefQuest Int’l, Melbourne, FL

“My trip to Haiti last year was more than i can describe… the kids captivated my heart the minute I first met them, the staff became my friend, and Jonathan’s dedication is beyond words to think of how much he gives of himself so unselfishly without pay and that is the work of a true Christian — Jon work is not done and he never gets tired of thinking for the next way he can help so many with so little, All without a salary that’s commendable… I pray for the Beehive and I hope I can do more — By God’ s grace I will be back soon hopefully for a longer period of time next time… God Bless You all including the supporters… Brother Scott Thurmon would be very happy and proud of what the Beehives have accomplished for the past three years in Haiti…… Blessings, Peace and Love….”
– Alex Jourdain

“My wife and I have been to Haiti numerous times. We have spent days, weeks and months doing good things for people in need. Fixing broken bones at Haiti Adventist Hospital. Feeding hungry children. Building new homes for those who live in dilapidated structures. Providing life’s basic needs where they are absent. We have even started two nonprofit organizations to continue these efforts. We have done all these things and feel eternally blessed for the way God has used us to better the lives of others and how these experiences have enriched and blessed ours. Aside from God’s presence and guidance, the common thread in nearly each of these experiences was Jonathan Euler. Without him, much of what we have done and accomplished in Haiti would not have been possible. Jonathan and his team are always present to provide the knowledge, insight and aid to each and every project we come to Haiti hoping to complete. Jonathan has made the sacrifices I have been unwilling to make. He has moved away from his friends and family to be a missionary to God’s people in place where they desperately need him. He plays the central role in allowing our orphanage outreach project to function and have a daily presence in Haiti. Over the last two years, Jonathan has helped transform our monetary donations into nutritious food that has supplied over 150,000 meals to over 75 hungry children. He has helped transform those donations into beds, mattresses, clothes, shoes, school supplies and many other things. Sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start when you have a desire to make a difference in the life of someone in need. There are numerous avenues through which you can donate your time, money and efforts. I would offer starting with supporting Jonathan Euler and his team at the Beehive. By working with and supporting Jonathan, a person with his boots on the ground in Haiti (or more accurately a man with his boots on the dirt, rubble and stone in Haiti), you can have confidence you will be assisting a selfless team who is dedicated to making a difference. I am eternally thankful for Jonathan and all he has done and all he continues to do for us. He has my deepest respect and admiration. I believe in him and the mission of the Beehive to support the people to Haiti and I will continue to support him. I hope you are able to do the same.”
– Tim and Summer Gerke